To export your transaction history data, follow these steps in your Pionex account:
Mobile app operation step
1. Log in to your Pionex account and click [Pionex] – [More] – [More] – [Help Center] – [Export transactions history].

2. Select the time range for which you want to export the report, then click [Submit] – [Confirm]– [Confirm].

3. You will receive two separate Emails or SMS reminders when the report starts to be generated and when it is completed.

4. Click [Download] to start downloading your transaction history.

Website operation step
1. Log in to your Pionex account and click the avatar icon on the upper right corner then choose [Dashboard] – [Transaction History].

2. Select the time range for which you want to export the report, then click [Submit] – [OK].

3. You will receive an email or SMS notification when the report starts to be generated and when it is completed.

4. Click [Download] to start downloading your transaction history.

Please Notice:
Please note that as generating records consumes server resources, each user can only generate up to 3 times per month. The download link for the transaction history will be generated within 24 hours after submission. You can download the file through the App or the Web. The download link is only valid within the next 7 days after generating. Please download it in time.
Please get in touch with Pionex Support if you have any other questions.