Steps on how to connect exchange to Pionex Auto Cryptocyrrency trade Bot?lzwSeptember 1, 2021Uncategorized Answer Pionex is an exchange. So there is no need to connect bots to the exchange. You simply deposit money, and then you are able to use the bots that are built into the exchange. Related posts: Bittrex Review 2021|Bittrex Trading Bots and Pricing Do I need to connect my account with Google Authenticator? Buy at one exchange and sell at other exchange is the price difference is high will benifit us right? Poloniex Exchange Review 2021 Poloniex Trading Bot and Pricing Are you guys planning to add an normal arbitrage bot ? like buy btc on exchange 1 and sell on exchange 2 Exchange with bots (robots) or bot with API to any exchange? Where is the manual trading? Pionex Terms of Service Trade Santa Review 2021 Trade Santa Trading Bots and Pricing Pionex