If you already hold cryptocurrency assets, you can use the withdrawal function on external wallets/platforms to withdraw cryptocurrency to your Pionex account.
Before depositing, please make sure which coin and network you want for the transfer.
For example, If you want to withdraw USDT from an external exchange to your Pionex account. You need to select “Withdraw” and choose USDT on external exchange. Please confirm the network which supports withdrawing USDT on the external exchange.
Let’s take an example,
Please select the corresponding token and network on the withdrawal platform for withdrawal. (e.g. If you choose BSC(BEP20) to withdraw USDT, you have to select BSC address for USDT.)
Please note that the assets could be lost if you deposit with the wrong network.
How to check the deposit address and memo
Log in to the Pionex app, click “Deposit” on the “Account” page, and select the currency and network to transfer funds. Then copy and enter the address into the platform you want to withdraw from (or you can scan the QR code on the Pionex deposit page).
Sign in on the Pionex website, click Wallet > Deposit on the top-right of the home page, then select the crypto and network to deposit.
Please notice: certain crypto needs to input memo/tag. If you see a memo/tag, please enter the information to deposit successfully.
- The assets could be lost due to depositing with the wrong network
- Withdrawal fees are charged by the withdrawal exchange/wallet
- After the transfer on the blockchain reaches certain confirmations, you will receive the assets. You can find the information on the crypto scan. For example, you can check the transactions with TRC20 on TRONSCAN.