If you deposit Crypto to Pionex through an external exchange/wallet, but you have not received the cryptocurrency from Pionex, you can confirm whether the withdrawal record in the external exchange/wallet is “Completed.” In addition, you can check the withdrawal process…
Regarding the withdrawal process, you can check the current status of the withdrawal through the following information: WEB: Pionex home page > Wallet > Withdraw > Check the order status in the withdrawal history APP: Pionex APP > Account >…
If you already hold cryptocurrency assets, you can use the withdrawal function on external wallets/platforms to withdraw cryptocurrency to your Pionex account. Before depositing, please make sure which coin and network you want for the transfer. For example, If you…
Regarding how to withdraw Crypto, you need to confirm the token and network you want to withdraw from Pionex to an external exchange You can select the token you want to withdraw on Pionex’s withdrawal page, which lists all the…