Answer Pionex provides ways to exit your trade whether in profits or in loss. stop loss is used to exit a trade when the trade is against you. when you are in loss and want to exit the trade below…
Answer Yes of course ! We do support stop loss, in manual trades and in bot trades. If you are refering to stop loss for the bot trades, there are 2 times when you can adjust the stop-loss. First is…
Answer You will be able to go to the bot pages and look at the history tab. It will show you bot on that page and you can look at the stats there.
Answer If you are running an infinity gird the only way the bot will stop is if you are using a stop loss. If you do not have a stop loss set, then the bot will continue to run until…
Answer I do believe using a Smart Trade would be the best solution to your idea. Using a Smart Trade will give you a stop loss however if you leave the Take Profit blank it will let the coin pump…
Answer I believe that if you are using a method that you feel good about then that is key. Trailing stop loss will conitnue to trail as the price goes up so you really would get the most money for…
Example:1-sell ADA 1.402-when price 1.39.Create a trailing buy to target price 1.15.But I need stop loss at 1.40 because I need roll back my ADAS if price change change back. Answer It sounds like you would benifit from making a…
Answer If your bot has been created successfully, you cannot modify the stop loss price. Unless you turn off the bot and modify the parameters again
Answer Ive been told that the reverse grid does the same exact thing. Buys low sells high…. If a reverse grid tops out, it converts it all to USDT. So I can only assume that if a reverse grid hits…
I recall doing that by going to Manual > Advanced Sell…but there’s only Advanced Grid Sell now? Answer The new updates on pionex has moved the stop loss feature to the bot section on the app. kindly go to trades…
Answer Of course. Many times we set a grid and have a trigger price below the lowest grid. Then anything it hits a grid as it is going up it sells all.
Answer For manual Trading? Yes They are normal limit / market / stop limit ordersyou can use any information on the internet of that type of order
Answer Ruin the account? you can’t run out of money as long as you don’t use leverage Just trade spot tokens It all depends on your trading strategy the bots are tools to make your job easier!!! Grid bot for…
Answer Only if you choose “dont sell” when you closing the bot If you want to have the token, yes dont put stoploss. The bot will give all its holding if you choose dont sell , because it wont sell…
Answer True, in grid bot if you want to have token, you just stop the bot without selling the token when you close the bot
So i get the token at the lower price (thats what suppose to be the purpose? Answer When you create grid bot, you already averaging down buy token When stop loss hit in grid bot (usually the SL price is…
Answer It return depends on what you start Grid bot return usdt or btc Reverse grid bot return token Stop loss will sell all remaining token hold after trigger price hit
Answer The stop-loss order is moved into bot section. You can create stop-loss order in the Bot , then scroll to bottom (stop-loss) . It is the same mechanism with the manual stop-loss , but it is moved into BOT…
Answer Yes, stop limit moved into bot section. It was used to be on the manual one like you said, but now it is moved into the bot section Still working the same too
Answer Stop-loss and close bot at means to stop the bot and sell all tokens remaining. Close bot at price usually put above the upper price, which in this condition, your tokens hold is already very small. Selling this remaining…
I have an idea but I prefer to double check Answer Close the bot at is similar to take profit , it will close the bot when the price already reach some price , usually at higher price. Meanwhile the…