A Hodler’s Guide to Earn 2.75%-40% APR Daily in BTC & ETH

Ride the Crypto Wave: A trading bot designed to secure you 2.75%%-40% annualized BTC/ETH returns daily while capturing profits as coin prices soar.

Here’s the candlestick chart showcasing market trends from January 1, 2023 to June 6, 2023.

Imagine starting with an investment of 16615 USDT, purchasing 1 BTC on January 1st, and employing our BTC/ETH Flying-Wheel bot. Even with a conservative estimated return (like a 10% annualized yield in BTC terms), by June 6th, you’d have roughly (1 + 10% / 365 * 157), equaling around (1 + 0.04) BTC. Considering the coin price on June 6th, your net asset value would’ve grown by (26980*1.04 – 16615) / 16615 = 0.688, meaning you’d earn a surprising 68.8% return in just 6 months! As we await the bull market, our BTC/ETH Flying-Wheel bot empowers you to retain your coins while reliably accumulating interest in BTC/ETH, offering you simply sitting back and watching your portfolio grow.

What is ETH/BTC Flying-Wheel?

Earning interest by facilitating the conversion between ETH and BTC. Historically, the price of ETH/BTC has moved between 0.02 and 0.1, which aligns perfectly with the most suitable case for the Flying-Wheel bot — sideways markets. Therefore, if you have a long-term positive outlook on BTC or ETH, this robot will provide you with a higher interest in crypto and potential gains from the long-term appreciation of the coin prices.

How Does ETH/BTC Convert to Each Other

Using the same proven Flying-Wheel Strategy for BTC/USDT and ETH/USDT pair, we’ve now introduced the ETH/BTC pair, establishing a bot that facilitates interest earnings in either ETH or BTC. This bot seizes the opportunity in the volatility of the exchange rate between the pairs to yield profits.

Invest in Flying Wheel, receive daily returns in coins, and wait for the price to rise!


Buy-the-Dip will keep running until BTC is converted to ETH

Assume the current exchange rate is 1 ETH = 0.07 BTC, and your investment is 1 BTC. If you aim to buy ETH at a target price of 0.05 BTC, with a maturity of one day and an annualized yield of 15% (the one-time interest for this would be 15%/365 = 0.04%). There would be two potential outcomes the next day:

  1. If 1 ETH ≤ 0.05 BTC, you would buy ETH at a price of 0.05 BTC, yielding 20 ETH and interest of (0.04%/0.05 = 0.008) ETH, for a total of 20.008 ETH.
  2. If 1 ETH > 0.05 BTC, you would gain 1 BTC and interest of 0.0004 BTC, for a total of 1.0004 BTC.

Invest in ETH/BTC Buy-the-Dip, and you can earn additional interest in ETH and BTC, regardless of price fluctuations.

Covered Gain

After ETH is bought, Covered Gain will sell it for BTC while earning interest

Let’s imagine that your Buy-the-Dip bot has bought 20 ETH and earned an interest of (0.04%/0.05 = 0.008) ETH. We would then roll both your principal and interest into Covered Gain until the bot successfully sells the ETH for BTC.

So, you’ve got your initial 20 ETH and the (0.04%/0.05 = 0.008) ETH interest. If you aim to sell ETH at a target price of 0.05 BTC, with a maturity of one day and an annualized yield of 15% (the one-time interest for this would be 15%/365 = 0.04%). There would be two potential outcomes the next day:

  1. 1. If 1 ETH < 0.05 BTC, you would accumulate the compounded return of 20.008 ETH along with the 0.008 ETH interest, giving you a total of 20.016 ETH.
  2. 2. If 1 ETH ≥ 0.05 BTC, you would sell off the ETH at 0.05 BTC, receiving 1 BTC and a compounded interest of 0.0008 BTC, Giving you a total of 1.0008 BTC.

Invest in ETH/BTC Covered Gain, and you can earn additional interest in ETH and BTC, regardless of price fluctuations.

In the scenario provided, for one cycle of ETH/BTC Flying-Wheel (BTC -> ETH -> BTC), thanks to reinvestment, you would earn a 0.08% BTC interest. Even if the ETH isn’t successfully sold for BTC, Covered Gain bot will continue earning interest for you until the currency conversion takes place. Therefore, the ETH/BTC Flying-Wheel strategy can earn interest in ETH & BTC for you regardless of price fluctuations.


Q: Is there any risk associated with ETH/BTC Flying-Wheel?
A: The risk of ETH/BTC Flying Wheel Strategy is the fundamental investment risk, and there are two scenarios.

  1. If you invest USDT, the system will use USDT to buy BTC at the market price for the investment. Although ETH/BTC Flying Wheel Strategy can profit from ETH/BTC volatility, a long-term decline in BTC/USDT and ETH/USDT can lead to losses in USDT. Despite earning interest from volatility, as the coin price falls, your principal will also decrease, resulting in a situation where interest is earned but the principal is lost, leading to losses in the end.
  2. If you invest BTC, the risk is that the price of the ETH/BTC may fall, which could result in losses if valuable BTC is exchanged for less valuable ETH.

Q: What should I do if my BTC is converted to ETH?
A: The bot will automatically invest your funds into Covered Gain, and convert them back to BTC at the ETH/BTC exchange rate. This bot guarantees a minimum of 2.75% annualized yield from Covered Gain.

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