What mean by correct network?lzwAugust 18, 2021Uncategorized Answer Each coin have sometimes more then 1 network ..make sure your picking the correct one before sending it or the $$ can be lost some wallets auto configure the network for you .. other’s dont tho Related posts: Hello everyone, does anybody knows what is the correct network to deposit USDT on pionex from Coinbase? Thanks Is stop loss mean sell all the token ? And is close bot just mean stop the bot but don't sell anything What does backtesting annualised return for 7D mean? Does this mean that on an average the bot has given a return of this percentage amount over the last week? I can close the bot and receive in token? If it hits stop loss mean token will be sold for USDT? If i want to hold token, does it mean i dun put "stop loss" at all ? What is IAP Network? What is Elad Network? Im use grid bot, Say we set upper limit at $10, if the coin reaches $10 all coin holdings would be sold at this point in time, correct? I can convert to USDt send to Ascendex by tron, buy USDC, and withdraw to matic network directly, swap to matic on DFYN for cents.