Migration of Your Pionex Account

Dear Pionex User,

We regret to inform you that due to your current KYC being located in the United States, Pionex is unable to provide services to you.

We kindly request that you proactively close all of your futures and investment orders before February 1, 2024. After this date, the system will automatically close any remaining futures orders and investment products, and sell any unsupported currencies. Please note: unsupported currencies refer to any currencies that are not available on Pionex.us. Following these processes, your assets will be transferred to Pionex.US. From this date forward, you will no longer be able to log in to Pionex.com.

We understand that this may cause some inconvenience, and for this, we sincerely apologize. We greatly appreciate your understanding and continued support in this matter.

Warm regards,
The Pionex Team

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