How to convert the bub BitUniverse token to usdt for melzwAugust 16, 2021Uncategorized Answer Unfortunately , the period to swap BUB token for ETH is already closed since 2 years ago. You can use BUB in Pionex to reduce fee in spot-futures arbitrage now. More features for the BUB will coming in the future ! Related posts: What is BUB? What can i do with bub? i have 25 for invite a friend but i dont know what it is Can someone please tell me how to convert USDT to BNB on Pionex wallet? I already tried first convert to USDT to USD and then BNB but without any luck. I can close the bot and receive in token? If it hits stop loss mean token will be sold for USDT? If i want to hold token, does it mean i dun put "stop loss" at all ? Where can I redeem BUB? Is there a way to check how much transaction volume each user has? Pionex Bot vs BitUniverse Bot – 7 Unique Features on Pionex Amazing Results! Pionex Future Grid Trading with the Same Parameters Earns Twice as Much as Spot Trading! Forgive my noobness… but I earned BUB through referrals… so what’s the point in it if I don’t use my pionex account? BitUniverse