Well that just screwed me out of $3500 and I never was notified of that policy prior to using itlzwAugust 31, 2021Uncategorized The fact that I was not notified of this prior to using it is a big problem. Answer You can close your open positions, but cannot add more since the announcement Related posts: I don’t understand why I never get credited earnings? Why is that short positions ca be liquidated but long positions are never liquidated My bot is active is working.. short glitch.. been doing this for a while and never happened but super quick fix.. spoke to a live agent online and worked perfectly.. I have 2,143 YFII2S coins. why when the price went up now I only have 21 coins? where are my other 2,122 coins?I'm never sell my YFII2S coins. Btc does what it wants so I have seen it break to the upside before. Never know when the whales suck you into a short just to trap and liqudate everyone Should I close my position on xrp could rocket soon and never drop does that close my xrp position These bots are awesome. I’m not losing money. I work. I never leverage. Grid profit is nice on bullish and bearish. If they goto red I just baghold the bot and move on to the next one Pionex Terms of Service