The accumulated profits from „Grid Bot“ aren’t releasable. I had a couple dollars which I wanted to release and now it says 0 USDT. Answer The profit is not enough yet to be released and keep running. If you want…
Answer Release profit gives you an opportunity to take your benefit from market without stopping the bot, In fact still you can run the bot without getting out of market and earning more benefit.
Answer In order to ensure the robustness of the grid bot, it’ll keep some idle funds and grid profit frozen, and use it when the super volatile market coming. The profit is not enough yet to be released and keep…
Answer Grid profits are arbitrage profits generated by bots that help you buy low and sell high. An unrealized profit is a floating loss or gain due to a change in the price of a token held by your bot.…
Answer To prevent some slippage , we dont use all of the initial investment and spare some in for reserve at first to ensure the bot working properly You can just release it and use it somewhere else, it means…
Answer The bot will keep some portion of the fund as reserve fee to ensure the bot will run smoothly and not out of fund. You can release the fund and use it on another trades after the fund is…
Answer No, releasing profit is only to release unused fund kept in the bot, including from profit and from unused reserve fund. It doesnt give back full principle. If you want to get the total bot fund, you can stop…
Answer Release profit feature for Infinity bot is not implemented yet, You only can release profit in Grid Bot for now
Answer Yes, the Moon Bot is behave like normal Grid Bot. You can use the release profit feature in the BTC/ETH Moon Bot like the normal Grid Bot.