How to swap my coins to USDT on Pionex?
Why do you need USDT
After depositing coins in your Pionex account, you need to convert your coins to USDT. Because you cannot set up a bot in USDT market without USDT. If you want to set up a bot in BTC market, you need BTC. If you want to set up a bot in ETH market, you need ETH. So, if you have BTC or ETH and want to set up a bot in BTC or ETH market, it’s not necessary to get USDT. But usually, people are more used to set up a bot in USDT market. Then you need to convert your coins to USDT.
In this article, I’ll take USDC as an example and tell you how to convert USDC to USDT. Please follow the steps below.
1. Visit Trade page on Pionex app
2. Choose USDC and input the amount
If you want to swap BTC, ETH, XRP or other coins to USDT, please just choose BTC,ETH,XRP as you want.
3. Tap the “Swap” button
Just tap the “Swap” button, then you will have some USDT in your account.
Now, you have got USDT! You can use USDT to set up your first bot on USDT trading pair.