Anyone has success running rebalancing bot with more than 2 assets?lzwAugust 25, 2021Uncategorized Answer Yes there are many users that shared their multi-coin rebalancing bot in our Telegram Group. You can check our telegram group Media to see what other users share. Join our Telegram group at Related posts: Hello, I am already earning 54% per month from my assets in Global Trading and I want to know how the company works because I like to place my assets in a more profitable system Rebalancing Bot Rebalancing Bot – App Version Does anyone use rebalancing bot? and if so, how do you pick the coins for rebalancing? :) Crypto Rebalancing Bot – Smoother your portfolio with the rebalancing bot Got a smart rebalancing bot running with a fairly decent profit after 24hrs. Is there a way to “Bank” the profit and leave the bot running or do you have to close the bot and then start again? Hi, I am totally new to this. I started a trading bot for ETH/USDT and my funding fee is -0.538544. The bot has been running for 2 days now. Is it wise to keep this bot running? This is not rebalancing. This is melting the assets. Asset