USD Coin to USD Calculator

The price of USDC (USD Coin) today is 1.0006 USD. Pionex USDC Calculator gives you a much easier, faster, and safer way to auto-convert your USDC into any other assets you want. Try it out today!

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Popular USD Coin to USD conversion to look up 🔥

USD Coin(USDC)Current PriceLast MonthLast Year
1 USDC$1.00$1.00$1.00
5 USDC$5.00$5.00$5.00
100 USDC$100.06$100.00$100.00
180 USDC$180.11$180.00$180.00
500 USDC$500.30$500.00$500.00
1000 USDC$1,000.60$1,000.00$1,000.00

USD Coin Coin Price Today - Live Price of USDC to USD

The current price of USD Coin (USDC) is 1.0006 USD. The below chart shows USDC 24H movement and you can browse more historical chart movements on Pionex website directly.

Convert USD Coin to other fiat currency

More Questions about USDC coin?

Why would I want to convert USDC to USD on Coinbase?

There's no need to convert USDT to USD if you still want to buy other crypto. You can use USDC to buy most of the cryptocurrencies on Coinbase and the only reason for convert USDT to USD is the moment you want to pull our your funds from Coinbase to your bank account.

How to convert USDC to USD on Coinbase?

You can withdraw your USDC to USD directly on Coinbase and don't need to convert USDC to USD before withdrawal. USDC equals to USD on Coinbase.

How much does it cost to convert USDC to USD?

When you convert USDC to USD, exchanges charge trading fees for that. For Binance, the fees are 0.1% based on your volume. Currently the cheapest exchange to convert USDC to USD is Pionex which only charges 0.05% per transaction.