FTX Token to VND Calculator

The price of FTT (FTX Token) today is 32,350.9352 VND. Pionex FTX Token calculator has 3000+ cryptocurrencies data and 30+ local fiat currencies data. So you can calculate and convert FTT and all crypto to most of the local currency all over the world.

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Popular FTX Token to VND conversion to look up 🔥

FTX Token(FTT)Current PriceLast MonthLast Year
1 FTT₫32,351₫603,491₫1,042,329
25 FTT₫808,773₫15,087,283₫26,058,232
100 FTT₫3,235,094₫60,349,130₫104,232,927
150 FTT₫4,852,640₫90,523,695₫156,349,390
200 FTT₫6,470,187₫120,698,260₫208,465,853

FTX Token Coin Price Today - Live Price of FTT to VND

The current price of FTX Token (FTT) is 32,350.9352 VND. The below chart shows FTT 24H movement and you can browse more historical chart movements on Pionex website directly.

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More Questions about FTT coin?

How much is 1 FTT to USD?

According to today's live price, 1 FTT equals to 32,350.9352 USD. Pionex calculator can help you calculate and convert FTT to USD easier, faster, and safer.

How much is 25 FTT to USD?

Now the live price of 1 FTT equals to 32,350.9352 USD. You can calculate and convert 25 FTT to USD in the Pionex calculator just with one simple click.

Why is FTX so popular?

FTX token( FTT) is the native currency of the FTX exchange. And now the current price of FTX is 32,350.9352 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of 15,187,591.4836 USD. FTT launched on May 8, 2019, hitting an all-time high of $85 on Sept. 9, 2021. Because the FTX exchange provides many good derivatives and spot trading services, and the token trading under the ticker FTT cuts down on trading fees and provides benefits for those that use the FTX platform. You can use the Pionex calculator to get more latest data on FTT and ETH anytime you want.