Binance USD to VND Calculator

The price of BUSD (Binance USD) today is 23,764.2519 VND. Pionex Binance USD calculator has 3000+ cryptocurrencies data and 30+ local fiat currencies data. So you can calculate and convert BUSD and all crypto to most of the local currency all over the world.

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Binance USD(BUSD)Current PriceLast MonthLast Year
1 BUSD₫23,764₫23,760₫23,760
0.1 BUSD₫2,376₫2,376₫2,376
0.3 BUSD₫7,129₫7,128₫7,128
3 BUSD₫71,293₫71,279₫71,279
25 BUSD₫594,106₫593,988₫593,988
28 BUSD₫665,399₫665,266₫665,266
30 BUSD₫712,928₫712,785₫712,785
40 BUSD₫950,570₫950,380₫950,380
50 BUSD₫1,188,213₫1,187,975₫1,187,975
60 BUSD₫1,425,855₫1,425,570₫1,425,570
150 BUSD₫3,564,638₫3,563,925₫3,563,925
200 BUSD₫4,752,850₫4,751,900₫4,751,900
250 BUSD₫5,941,063₫5,939,875₫5,939,875
1000 BUSD₫23,764,252₫23,759,500₫23,759,500
1200 BUSD₫28,517,102₫28,511,400₫28,511,400

Binance USD Coin Price Today - Live Price of BUSD to VND

The current price of Binance USD (BUSD) is 23,764.2519 VND. The below chart shows BUSD 24H movement and you can browse more historical chart movements on Pionex website directly.

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More Questions about BUSD coin?

Is it better to buy USDT or BUSD?

USDT and BUSD are both well-known stablecoin and it depends on which market you want to trade. It's almost the same to buy USDT or BUSD.

What can I convert BUSD to?

BUSD is a stablecoin that issued by Binance and Circle. You can use BUSD to buy more than 500 cryptocurrencies on Binance and Pionex.

Which is safer USDT or BUSD?

Both USDT and BUSD are legitimate. USDT (Tether) is the most popular stablecoin and has longer history in the cryptocurrency market. BUSD is the stablecoin that support by Binance and Circle.