Cardano to USD Calculator

The price of ADA (Cardano) today is 0.2948 USD. Pionex ADA Calculator provides the up to date exchange data and price. There are more than 3000 cryptocurrencies within our database, so you can convert your ADA to any other assets with one click.

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ADA Price Prediction Calculator

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Popular Cardano to USD conversion to look up 🔥

Cardano(ADA)Current PriceLast MonthLast Year
0.18 ADA$0.05$0.08$0.25
0.2 ADA$0.06$0.09$0.28
1 ADA$0.29$0.43$1.38
34 ADA$10.02$14.51$46.89
35 ADA$10.32$14.93$48.27
37 ADA$10.91$15.79$51.02
40 ADA$11.79$17.07$55.16
45 ADA$13.27$19.20$62.06
47 ADA$13.85$20.05$64.81
50 ADA$14.74$21.34$68.95
55 ADA$16.21$23.47$75.85
60 ADA$17.69$25.60$82.74
70 ADA$20.63$29.87$96.53
100 ADA$29.48$42.67$137.90
150 ADA$44.22$64.01$206.85
200 ADA$58.96$85.34$275.80
300 ADA$88.43$128.01$413.70
340 ADA$100.22$145.08$468.86
500 ADA$147.39$213.35$689.50
700 ADA$206.34$298.69$965.30
1000 ADA$294.78$426.70$1,379.00
1500 ADA$442.17$640.05$2,068.50
2000 ADA$589.55$853.40$2,758.00
2500 ADA$736.94$1,066.75$3,447.50
5000 ADA$1,473.88$2,133.50$6,895.00
10000 ADA$2,947.77$4,267.00$13,790.00

Cardano Coin Price Today - Live Price of ADA to USD

The current price of Cardano (ADA) is 0.2948 USD. The below chart shows ADA 24H movement and you can browse more historical chart movements on Pionex website directly.

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More Questions about ADA coin?

How to buy Cardano ADA with USD?

The live price of ADA now is 0.2948 USD and the 24H trading volume is 252,526,462.5611 USD. You can use Pionex calculator to help you calculate and buy ADA with your USD.

How to fund a wallet of ADA cryptocurrency with USD?

To fund your ADA wallet, you need to connect your bank account or credit card with Pionex account. Use US dollars to buy ADA on Pionex and then withdraw ADA to your own wallet.

How can I transfer ADA Cardano from Daedalus to USD?

For transferring your assets on Cardano blockchain with a daedalus wallet, you need to request the transfer and withdraw from your wallet. After you transfer your ADA to an exchanges, for example Pionex, you'll be able to sell it back to USD and transfer out to your bank account.