AAVE to USD Calculator

The price of AAVE (AAVE) today is 63.5028 USD. With this AAVE calculator, you can calculate the most accurate price from our real time live data. We also include a AAVE price prediction calculator for fun. Enjoy and to the moon with your AAVE!

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AAVE Price Prediction Calculator

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Popular AAVE to USD conversion to look up 🔥

AAVE(AAVE)Current PriceLast MonthLast Year
0.05 AAVE$3.18$4.77$9.59
0.1 AAVE$6.35$9.54$19.18
0.12 AAVE$7.62$11.45$23.01
1 AAVE$63.50$95.43$191.77

AAVE Coin Price Today - Live Price of AAVE to USD

The current price of AAVE (AAVE) is 63.5028 USD. The below chart shows AAVE 24H movement and you can browse more historical chart movements on Pionex website directly.

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More Questions about AAVE coin?

How much is 1 AAVE worth?

According to the today's live price of AAVE, 1 AAVE equals to 63.5028 USD. You can calculate and convert AAVE to USD in the Pionex calculator.

How does AAVE make money?

AAVE is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol that lets people lend and borrow cryptocurrencies and real-world assets (RWAs) without having to go through a centralized intermediary. When people borrowing or lending crypto from AAVE, the protocol layer make money from those borrow and lend transaction and interest.

What was AAVE all time high?

The all time high of AAVE is $666.86 USD.